The Future of Education
In Canada, education is typically seen as an investment that leads to future benefits for the individual and for the society. One of these benefits is increased employ-ability. Higher levels of education are associated with higher employment rates.
In 2015, 82% of the adult population aged 25 to 64 with post-secondary education was employed. There is a strong relationship between income and education, as high-income Canadians tend to be highly educated.
Over two thirds (67.1%) of the top 1% have attained a university degree. Nearly one in four (24.1%) of those who held a university degree were in the top 10% in 2010. In contrast, one in ten of those who had a post secondary certificate or diploma below bachelor level made it into the top 10%, while just under one in twenty of those with a high school diploma and one in fifty of those who had no certificate, diploma or degree were in this group.
What makes us Exceptional
Customized learning experience
CHLA’s learning plans and processes makes the learning experience personalized and customized as if it were catered per student. Due to this, students are able to grasp concepts and course material faster and more effectively.
Safe learning environment
With a focus on security, CHLA ensure that every student is safeguarded. We use encrypted systems as well as a secure SSL in order to ensure a safe learning environment.
Our online courses are accessible from anywhere around the globe. Students are able to complete assignments from their preferred setting, be it a library or the comfort of their home.
Our Ontario Certified Teachers are available through email and online video conferencing for extra help. Teachers instruct students in a One-on-One online setting, where there is more attention given to each student individually at their preferred learning style.
At CHLA, students are given 10 months to complete each course. Students are also given the opportunity to finish quizzes and assignments in accordance to their schedule and choose their own deadlines.
At CHLA, we assist you in the application process by sending your marks directly to your day school and OUAC (Ontario Universities’ Application Centre)
Open communication
CHLA believes in transparency, which is why we are open with you in every step of the way. No hidden fees, no hidden agenda. We have an open door policy and an online support platform for students.
Hybrid learning packages
With a large variety of courses available, CHLA makes the selection easier with select hybrid packages designed specifically for CHLA students. Book a consultation for a customized learning package!

The benefits of online learning
With the vast development in technology over the last 10 years, many industries have been able to adapt and provide more accessible and convenient services. Canadian Higher Learning Academy believes that education is a vital component in society and everyone should have the opportunity to learn and succeed.
Our online school provides ministry-inspected and passed courses which hold the same merit and quality of any other high school in Ontario. CHLA bridges the gap between Education and Technology- resulting in innumerable benefits for students.
Online learning has become an integral part of contemporary education. The rise of online learning carries an opportunity to transform the schooling system into a student-centric environment that is customized for student needs, allowing each student to realize and reach their maximum potential.
An increasing number of institutions are incorporating online courses and degrees into their curriculum since web-based learning offers many benefits which traditional learning cannot.
The Moodle system
CHLA uses the Moodle LMS paltform to conduct classes online (a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environments).
Moodle is the standard for most online schools and local Canadian universities such as York University and Queen’s University who use Moodle to operate their online classes.
CHLA Students have direct access to all of their course material through CHLA Moodle account. Students could enroll at any point during the year and will have 10 months to complete a course
. Once a student completes a single credit with us their mark will be forwarded to their home school. If a student completes their entire high school diploma with us they will receive their high school diploma from CHLA.