International Admissions
Are you ready to take the first step towards your future?
Here’s everything you need to know about enrolling.
Admissions process
We try to make the enrollment process as easy as possible for our international students. We have broken it down into a step-by-step guide for you below.
1. Once you have decided that you would like to apply to CHLA please fill out the registration form
here and pay the application/registration fee.
2. After submitting the form, please submit the following documents to us:
a. Any transcript/report card showing the courses or grades of study that you may have completed in your home country.
b. A copy of your passport
c. Any academic certificates you may have received in the past
4. Upon review of your application, we shall respond with the next steps or
request for additional documents.
5. An Enrollment Advisor shall be assigned to assist you and guide you with your English assessment,
setting up your student account and paying tuition fees.

Benefits of the program
CHLA strives to provide the best possible online schooling experience and support. We have made it possible for our international students to feel very comfortable taking our courses. Through our platform students are able to get the help they need.
Moreover, we have designed this program to help keep you on track. Often, students who take online courses either drop their course or lose focus. We make sure that you follow the set timeline so you finish everything on time. Your success is our success!
CHLA has a proven track record for student success. Many of our international students who have applied for college and/or university have received an acceptance letter into a high-ranking College or University.
Studying from Home Country
One of the most frequently asked questions is: “How will I finish this program from my home country without having to set foot in Canada?”.
This is exactly why CHLA was established. Our programs are designed specifically for students to experience what it is like to be a Canadian student without physically being in Canada.
Our curriculum comes straight from the Ministry of Education and provides students the opportunity to learn as much as they can. We have a guidance department to ensure that students are prepared for their future studies in Canada.
We meet with our international students on a regular basis to ensure that they are enjoying the program, and to advise them on what the next steps are when applying to College or University.
Please be well aware of fraudulent agents who claim to work with us. If anyone is trying to sell anything related to our school to you, please contact us first to verify if they are members of our Business Development team.
DO NOT transfer any funds to any personal account. All funds should be transferred directly to CHLA’s account in Canada. Canadian Higher Learning Academy is not liable for any funds that are sent to a third-party person or company.
Application Timeline
The timeline for students can vary. However, we have created a standard timeline for those students looking to apply at the grade 12 level. Please see below.
• July – August : Register for your classes and pay your tuition fees
• September : Begin your courses
• November: Apply to universities/colleges
• January: At this point you should have completed half of your course load
• April: Write the Ontario literacy exam
• April-June: Complete the remaining course load and ensure that you have your 40 hours of community service completed. You will start receiving acceptance letters for universities/colleges
• June: Graduate with the Ontario Secondary School Diploma and get ready to start university/college the following September.
PLAR stands for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition, and it may provide a quicker way for students to earn credits towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
Students may earn up to 16 junior (grades 9 and 10) credits and/or 10 senior (grades 11 and 12) credits through an assessment of transcripts and/or the completion of assessments. The number of credits that may be earned is determined
by several factors including the number and type of courses previously taken in Ontario or elsewhere.
Application deadline
We do not have a set application deadline however if you are a grade 11 or 12 student we recommend that you apply well before the beginning of September to ensure that you meet university application deadlines.
Application fee
CHLA charges a one-time fee of $295 USD for its registration/application/PLAR fees.
How is this fee broken down?
• Application/Registration: The fee of $150 USD is for CHLA to review your application and conduct your English assessment we have hired a staff of employees and teachers to ensure that the process is as
seamless as possible.
• PLAR Assessment: $145 USD is for you to receive recognition for the previous courses you have taken. We require a trained Principal to go through your transcripts to ensure that you start your program with
the correct courses.

The Moodle System
CHLA will be using the Moodle LMS system to conduct its classes . Moodle is an open source software used by many organizations and educational institutes to conduct online learning.
Students have direct access to all of their course material through their Moodle account. Moodle is the standard for most online schools and local Canadian universities such as York University and Queen’s University who use Moodle
to operate their online classes.
Students will be able to enrol at any point during the year and will have 10 months to complete a course. They are able to complete the course at their own pace by themselves. Once a student completes a single credit with us their mark will be forwarded to their home school. If a student completes their entire high school diploma with us they will receive their high school diploma from CHLA.
Frequently Asked Questions
Looking for answers to your questions? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.